What have I been upto well let me tell you. I was able to go to Arizona to go a stitching gathering with a fabulous stitcher Julie Harvey. We arrive on Thursday and went to The Attic, here are my treasures I found.
We were sent a small portion to pre stitch before arriving with a sneak preview of the project. We created the hedgehog in class. The big reveal is below.
The is what the project is...(sorry could not get photo to turn)Then every couple hours we received a surprise to go with our gaming purse. See below, the game board was made by Rae's husband Ron. He did a fabulous job creating a master piece.
Rae always goes a great job with instructions for the project so stay tuned for update on my progress. Alot of new stitches and things I have never done such as Sardinian knot work and drawn thread.
Well I better get back to stitching. Take Care. Happy Stitching.